Shifting Landscapes

Our current 2-year project, Shifting Landscapes, is funded by Arts Council England, BBC Children in Need, Lottery Awared for All and D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust. It includes one to one ward based practice and immersive performance experiences through VR for hospitalised children.. 

We created films in 360° in natural coastal and forest landscapes that can be viewed through VR headsets, enabling children and young people to simultaneously explore the environment, as well as experience dance performance.

Shifting Lanscapes also includes several opportunities for artist development including a two day training for artists working in health, care, or trauma contexts with a range of approaches to reinvigorate practice,  with invited artists/practitioners: 

Cai Tomos, independent dance artist and arts therapist, working with older adults in hospital, care homes and community settings.  

Sarah Smith-Sergeant, yoga teacher and NHS trainee associate psychological practitioner specialising in therapeutic yoga for pregnancy and with children and young people.

Pei Yee Tong, Movema Dance Company, practice focuses on breathing, daily movement, appreciation of nature and self, focus on inner energy "Chi". 

Paula Hampson dance and visual artist, engaging people of all ages and abilities to support creative potential, body knowledge and well-being.

In addition in the summer of 2024 we welcomed interns Maggie Harvey, Michelle Man, Emily Davis and Alicia Scaife to shadow the leading artists. We have also expanded our team to include NW emerging artists Chloe Robinson and Lydia Heath.



