ELaTIon film
You can see our recent film by Twin Vision Media here https://vimeo.com/383229512
Final report for the ELaTIon project 2018-19
You can read our final report of the 2 year ELaTIon project funded by BBC Children in Need and Arts Council England here: https://issuu.com/lisa-smallthingsdance.co/docs/elation_evaluation_draft_2
Practice Development
In May we were very grateful to receive a grant from Arts Council England to support the development of our performance work at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital. This included CPD for project artists Sam Hickey and Louise Gibbons in the form of a 5 day intensive with NY based dance artist K.j. Holmes. In addition K.j. was in residence with Small Things and led performance training with a particular focus on the voice and sonic environment with the dancers and musicians. This greatly enhanced our two day tour of the hospital in June.
Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing
Small Things Dance Collective feature in the All-Party Parliamentary Group
on Arts, Health and Wellbeing's report (pg 93-4). https://www.artshealthandwellbeing.org.uk/appg-inquiry/
Alder Hey Children’s Hospital
We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded a grant from PH Holt Foundation to contribute to our work at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital from Sept 2017.
smalldances App
The smalldances App is now free to download for Apple and Android.
Cath Hawkins
In September 2016 Cath Hawkins resigned from Small Things. After founding the organisation in 2002 and working collaboratively with Lisa and other artists for over 13 years, we would like to thank Cath and wish her well. Cath's current projects can be found here www.movingmarks.co.uk
Somatic App at the DMLL, Coventry
Lisa will give a talk about the Somatic App at the DMLL in Coventry. For more information please visit: http://dmll.org.uk/events/a-somatic-dance-app-can-we-really-represent-sensation-digitally/
Small Things at Knowing Body Network
Small Things work will be presented alongside others from the Knowing Body Network in May. More information can be found here: http://www.cheshiredance.org/practitioners.html